How an Email Opened Doors for a New Partnership  


By Nirva Delacruz 

“Hope never dies.” This belief drove a dedicated religious sister in Northern Samar, one of the Philippines’ poorest provinces, to send an email plea that opened the door to a new partnership with ANCOP Australia. 

“I am sorry if I seem audacious in asking for help for our people. This is what I committed to when I volunteered to be sent here. I will do my best, even ‘move heaven and earth’ for our people,” wrote Sr. Lydia M. Collado in her email. 

Sr. Lydia, who belongs to the Society of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ), was seeking support for her foundation’s programs, which ranged from livelihood assistance for women and indigent families to scholarships for high school and college students in remote coastal villages. The foundation is called Sacred Heart Institute for Transformative Education (SHIFT Foundation). 

An Unexpected Connection 

Although the original recipient of the email was moved by Sr. Lydia’s earnest request, she and her charity organization could not provide immediate assistance. However, what Sr. Lydia didn’t know was that the recipient was once a mission volunteer with CFC-Youth for Christ in Sydney, Australia. Moved by her past experiences and the pressing needs outlined in the email, she forwarded Sr. Lydia’s message to Lolit Flores Navarro, ANCOP Australia’s Operations Head. 

True to ANCOP’s mission of caring for the poor, Navarro promptly reached out to Sr. Lydia, despite never having met her before. 

“…Your needs align with the pillar programs of ANCOP Australia,” Navarro responded during their email exchange, opening the door to a collaboration that would bring hope to those served by Sr. Lydia’s community. 

Educational Sponsorship for 20 Students 

Initially, the two organizations discussed providing disaster relief assistance, as SHIFT’s farm had been devastated by a massive flood in November 2023. “It was totally unexpected; our farm, including our infrastructure, was severely affected. Since then, we have been trying to recover,” Sr. Lydia shared. However, their partnership soon found its focus: education. It was decided that ANCOP Australia would sponsor 20 students under SHIFT’s care, starting in the 2024–2025 school year. 

Following this, the global ANCOP organization, CAGFI, assessed the feasibility of SHIFT Foundation as a potential partner. After a positive assessment, a memorandum of agreement (MOA) was signed between CAGFI and SHIFT Foundation, solidifying the partnership. 

Beyond grateful, Sr. Lydia and her community of 31 people—which includes another sister from their congregation, foundation staff, volunteers, and students—are hopeful that this sponsorship will make a lasting impact. “We believe that ‘transformative education’ happens within a community. We do not have an RSCJ school in the Philippines to support us, so we really struggle to find funding,” Sr. Lydia explained in one of her emails. 

A Future Filled with Hope 

The commitment to respond to unmet needs, despite being miles apart, has led to one of ANCOP Australia’s newest collaborations, all thanks to technology and open hearts. This is just the beginning for the SHIFT-ANCOP partnership. Sr. Lydia expressed her hope for the future, extending a warm invitation: “I hope you can visit our mission area.” 

Navarro, too, expressed optimism about the future of this partnership. “This institutional sponsorship with SHIFT is the first of its kind for CFC ANCOP Australia in the Philippines. We hope it will be as successful as our collaboration with the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians program in Port Moresby, PNG, where every graduate has found employment after completing their education or training,” she shared. 

This partnership is a powerful reminder that, in God’s perfect timing and through His grace, He opens doors to provide for the needs of the poor and transform lives in ways we could never imagine. 


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