New Dreams: ‘Enlargement of the Heart’ Direction Makes Social Dev’t Programs a CFC Priority 


By Brienz Athena Suaberon

“We need to dream…” 

Heeding these words from Pope Francis, the CFC-ANCOP Global Foundation, Inc. (CAGFI) aims not only to reach more people in need, but also to internally deepen its pastoral understanding of its mission. As a community, as servants of God, Couples for Christ needs to “enlarge its heart,” especially in the light of a wounded society in constant flux.  

This “enlargement of the heart” calls for all-out support for evangelization programs through social development like ANCOP. According to a memo on CFC community imperatives for 2022, recently released by the CFC International Council: “All CFC leaders should ensure that our mission of ‘Building the Church of the Poor’ is embraced by all—as an integral part of our community life.” 

‘Hands, feet, hearts’ 

With the recently released CFC direction “Enlargement of the heart,” CFCs can expect more programs like this TVET training in Salcedoville, Eastern Samar, an ANCOP site for typhoon Yolanda survivors. The technical vocational training is ongoing until December 2021.  

In an interview the new ANCOP President Boyet Rafael explained: “Our work in ANCOP is not a work of an individual but as a ‘community of hands’ that will help them, feet that will guide them and hearts that will love them.” These hands, feet, and hearts find concreteness through ANCOP’s programs. “Our programs in ANCOP are our concrete actions in responding to the needs of the poor people around us,” Rafael added. 

The new direction, he said, continues to see education as the flagship program of ANCOP. “…Education is the most important thing we can offer them through our Educational Sponsorship Program—both through regular academic courses or vocational educational training,” Rafael stressed.  

Every member, an ANCOP champion 

According to the direction, which was largely inspired by the third element of Nina Ponte’s prophecy, every CFC member must be a “champion of ANCOP,” putting faith into concrete actions. Concrete actions must translate to results. This is why ANCOP is looking to double its number of scholars in 5 years.  

With great expectations like this on CFC leadership, it follows that formation also needs to ramp up. CFCs can expect more pastoral formation courses focusing on strengthening marriage, enhancing family life, and parenting skills. There will also be greater emphasis on the collective individual and family spiritual journeys.  

“Our work in ANCOP is not a work of an individual but as a ‘community of hands’ that will help them, feet that will guide them and hearts that will love them.”

Ultimate goal: gateway evangelization 

The directive reveals the hope that CFC members and leaders’ faith life will eventually spill over outside the community. Ultimately, it is still CFCs goal to bring new families closer to Christ. “Each area must also develop and implement ANCOP programs and activities that are relevant to needs of CFC and non-CFC brethren that will be part of our gateway evangelization,” explained Rafael.  

The next few years will also reveal ANCOP’s potential to attract like-minded business people and companies on a more massive scale. This has been evident in the number of corporate ANCOP sponsors that have been mainstay donors for the different ANCOP programs. The next half decade looks like a time for dreaming in new ways! 

Our work in ANCOP is not a work of an individual but as a ‘community of hands’ that will help them, feet that will guide them and hearts that will love them.

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