Do you know the feeling of trying again and again yet failing every time? I’m one of the many who applied for various scholarships, only to be rejected every time. I dreamed of becoming an architect, but our family was struggling financially and my parents couldn’t afford to support me. But this dream to go to college just refused to die, so I continued to hold on to my faith, hoping against hope that God had better plans.
It was a day just like any other that I finally received the good news that I qualified for an ANCOP scholarship. Clearly it was only by God’s grace that kind-hearted members of Couples for Christ in Saudi Arabia (of all places!) decided to sponsor me. I breathed a sigh of relief I had been holding back for what seemed like years. There was no doubt that this was an answered prayer for my family that was struggling to send my other siblings to school.
I took up a degree in agriculture at Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University. Hard work paid off; I consistently merited academic excellence awards from freshman to junior year. Who would’ve thought I would also be able to secure an almost year-long international internship in Israel? Through the help of my relatives, support from ANCOP, and my parents’ effort, expenses for the internship were all covered — with a little extra to spare.

I see the hand of God guiding me throughout my journey. I finished my course and graduated cum laude. I’m now a true-blue agriculturist helping my father run our small start-up that involves horticultural crops, pure sugarcane, and farm-fresh produce.
I’m endlessly grateful to all the people who helped me achieve my goals, especially my family who have been supporting me non-stop and CFC ANCOP that opened doors for me I never knew existed. All of these wouldn’t have been possible without you! –(Yvonne Grace Dolorosa)