We believe in education as the key to helping families get out of poverty. Send a child to school and you change his and his family’s life forever.
Educational Sponsorship Program
ANCOP’s flagship program, ESP offers one-on-one educational sponsorships to elementary, high school, college/technical vocational students, and seminarians.

Recognizing the need for mentoring and ongoing formation, Cornerstone has two levels: for elementary which focuses on one-on-one tutorials for slow readers, and for high school focusing on Christian leadership & values formation.
Technical and Vocational Education and Training
Open to high school graduates, the 15-month TVET courses on automotive servicing, machining, among others, is in partnership with Don Bosco Technical Institute which also includes On-the-Job Training.

Become a beacon of hope.
Your donations will send scholars to school, build homes for families, upskill the jobless, and answer the prayers of people who are close to losing hope.