PIT Feature All Worth It: Seeing Personal Transformations First-Hand

“To have college graduates every school year, to witness timid and shy scholars gradually transform into active and confident leaders.” This is what keeps the outgoing Project Implementing Team (PIT) heads of Central B, Lito and Sylvia Catapang, getting up and going in the morning. “These are the most meaningful achievements,” added Lito, who had […]
Quick Turnaround: CAGFI Retains BOI Accreditation

What do you do when despite your best efforts, things don’t go as planned? This is exactly where CFC ANCOP Global Foundation, Inc. (CAGFI) was at when we lost our Board of Investments (BOI) accreditation for failing to deliver the 40 houses in Maribojoc, bohol on schedule. The LGU encountered difficulties in providing the lots […]
Upskilling in a Crisis: ANCOP’s Technical Training Reopens

After a long wait, unemployed folks willing to upskill despite an ongoing crisis can now rejoice. CFC ANCOP Global Foundation, Inc. (CAGFI) in partnership with DMCI (Technical Training Center) Homes resumed its 10-day Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) on March 8, teaching scaffolding skills to 30 men, after year-long community restrictions in Metro […]
Pulong Mindanao Outreach: Going Where Few Have Gone Before

CAGFI staff and several Couples for Christ leaders from Laguna made an hour-long trek on stony and uphill terrain across a river to meet students of the Pulong Mindanao Elementary School—most of whom are our scholars—and their parents. It was a well-timed outreach from February 25-26 to extend much-needed assistance to ANCOP scholars as well […]
2020: Both a Year of ‘Crisis’ & Of Many Firsts

The Chinese word for “crisis” interestingly also contains a character for “change.” And indeed 2020 both shook and led us through adventures we never imagined taking! Here are a few of the many firsts ANCOP had in the last 12 months or so: AGW went virtual. Virtual ANCOP Global Walk. It was challenging to recreate our biggest annual event into an online highlight, […]
Ancop Salutes Top 10 Donors

In the face of uncertainty, like the ongoing COVID crisis and successive typhoons, what moves someone to keep on giving? We know it takes a lot of heart. Recognizing top 10 donor areas That’s why CFC ANCOP is recognizing the top 10 donor areas/countries that rushed to the aid of our needy brethren last year, […]