The Benefits of Generosity You Didn’t Know About

Generosity is a word we often associate with acts of random kindness. The kind person is almost always generous too. It’s a trait admired by many and a quality we teach our children. For those who believe in God, generosity represents the driving power behind service, not only for others but for God as well. […]
Pulong Mindanao Outreach: Going Where Few Have Gone Before

CAGFI staff and several Couples for Christ leaders from Laguna made an hour-long trek on stony and uphill terrain across a river to meet students of the Pulong Mindanao Elementary School—most of whom are our scholars—and their parents. It was a well-timed outreach from February 25-26 to extend much-needed assistance to ANCOP scholars as well […]
2020: Both a Year of ‘Crisis’ & Of Many Firsts

The Chinese word for “crisis” interestingly also contains a character for “change.” And indeed 2020 both shook and led us through adventures we never imagined taking! Here are a few of the many firsts ANCOP had in the last 12 months or so: AGW went virtual. Virtual ANCOP Global Walk. It was challenging to recreate our biggest annual event into an online highlight, […]
Scholar Feature: Alexander Carias

“True faith is not a leap into the dark; it’s a leap into the light.” – Eric Metaxas Resigned. This is how Alexander Carias felt as he mentally let go of his lifelong dream to support his family, his widowed mother and three older sisters, as a seafarer. Choosing instead a vocational course that would […]
Ancop Salutes Top 10 Donors

In the face of uncertainty, like the ongoing COVID crisis and successive typhoons, what moves someone to keep on giving? We know it takes a lot of heart. Recognizing top 10 donor areas That’s why CFC ANCOP is recognizing the top 10 donor areas/countries that rushed to the aid of our needy brethren last year, […]
Rogem Tabil: From Manila to Israel & Back

Do you know the feeling of trying again and again yet failing every time? I’m one of the many who applied for various scholarships, only to be rejected every time. I dreamed of becoming an architect, but our family was struggling financially and my parents couldn’t afford to support me. But this dream to go to college just […]